

About MissShellySays

Your favorite rapper's favorite rapper

Come On Son Album Release – January 23rd

After two years of performing and touring together, the ladies of Come On Son and I have recorded an album that captures the spirit of the show. Purchase Tix to the release event at RebeccaDupas.com/cosalbumrelease. Your ticket includes a copy of the CD. How many would you [...]

By | 2015-06-08T10:13:21+00:00 January 23rd, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

25: Your Perception May Vary

This post is a part of my 10-day #Countdownto30 series. The series recaps important milestones from every year of my 20s. You can view all posts in this series at http://shellysaysso.com/tag/countdownto30/ Age 25: So here I am. 25 years old, marketer at a Fortune 500 company by day, Professor by [...]

By | 2013-12-23T11:03:01+00:00 November 9th, 2013|Self Reflection|0 Comments